The Dance of Energy and Consciousnes

The Dance of Energy and Consciousness.

Energy is the raw stuff of the universe, and consciousness the force that gives it form. So both tantra and shamanism perceive life as the dance of energy and consciousness.

As we experience waves of energy flowing through us, we feel ourselves as a drop of water merging with ocean, our essence both individual and of the whole. We feel our bodies not as a thing, but as a flow, we are an event, a happening. As we shift from perceiving ourselves as a form to experiencing ourselves as a flow we become aware that we exist both as a physical body and as an energy body. If we can get out of our heads and our images of ourselves, the physical body lets us experience life through our five senses and be more in touch with the physical dimension of reality, while the energy body gives us a direct experience of the mysteries of the energetic dimension of life: love, sex, relationships, spirit.

We are a flow of energy and a point of consciousness, we are not any of the forms that our energy can take. By focusing our consciousness we can discreate forms and create new manifestations of our energy, so learning to transform ourselves and embody all the potential of our energy and spirit. As we begin to see how we are creating particular forms of energy physically, locking our jaw as we embody anger, hunching our shoulders as we embody fear,  we can choose to unravel the physical form, allowing the emotion to move, and freeing the energy for us to create our desires.

As we become aware of the limitless energy available to us we can begin to play with it. Moving it around and through our bodies with our intention. Giving and receiving energy with another through intention and physical touch. Using group energy to create a healing space. Through dance, structures and ritual we will explore the energy that runs through us, breathing it down from the sky and up from the earth, noticing the meeting of the above and the below in our bodies, connecting our sex, our heart, and our intuition. Coming into balance, flow and stillness - we become the hollow bamboo, through which more energy, more love, flows into our lives, our relationships, and our world.

This is a fully clothed workshop suitable for all levels of experience.