Certified, Professional Tantra Massage Training
UK | Year Long Training - continue | Path of Touch |
What is a true Tantra massage?
"In its highest form, Tantra massage has the potential to be an initiation into a direct experience of the world of Tantra."
– John Hawken
This course has been developed to set a benchmark and standard for what Tantra Massage should stand for at the pinnacle of what it can be. The training is about learning to receive and give Tantra massage as an initiation into Tantra. The word Tantra has been often misappropriated to sell sexual services under the name Tantra massage. Even the best-intentioned massages often overemphasize the sexual aspect of Tantra, which is fundamentally about sacred sexuality expressed through the heart. Tantra is an ancient practice that opens the door to an experience of ourselves as beings of energy and consciousness
To experience yourself as a bridge between heaven and earth, earth and heaven.
To experience that you have an energy body as well as a physical body, through which you can connect to the ocean of life energy that surrounds you.
Your body is the sacred temple of your spirit.
Sacred sexuality is about being, not doing.
Experiencing the energy body takes you into expanded consciousness.
To experience yourself as a formless flow of energy, taking form through the conscious focus of your awareness
Touch is a vital form of nourishment and affirmation, and sensual massage a way of communicating non-verbally and directly. To receive a Tantra massage is to be initiated into tantric experience and tantric consciousness. Often Tantra massage can be the first contact with energy and the energy body and the potential of expanding sexual energy into the whole body. On the path of touch, you learn to give these massage initiations, whether privately to a partner or professionally to clients. At The Paths of Transformation, we teach and transmit a wide breadth of Tantra and erotic massage, together with an understanding of presence and different kinds of touch, both physical and energetic.
Sequences of techniques that form a developmental series of deepening initiations are shared, which can be used with a lover to go deep into intimacy, or as a professional to open the first door into Tantra for your clients.
This course is designed for people who want, through tantric massage, to get more in touch with their body, open their body to energy, heal any old disapproval of their bodies and negative feelings like fear or shame, and to learn to deeply relax, so that their natural energy will start to flow and thus bring up any physical, energetic or emotional issues that need to be released or healed.
The body has its own wisdom and if we or our mind can stop being in the way, then beautiful moments can happen that will connect us again with our natural state of oneness, pleasure, joy and flow
Those who are interested in becoming a qualified and experienced professional Tantra massage practitioner
Existing massage practitioners who wish to add Tantra to their repertoire
Existing Tantra massage practitioners who wish to expand their repertoire of practice and techniques and who enjoy the philosophy of Tantra as well as the practices
Anyone who wants to dive deeply into the practice of Tantra massage
To this end, it consists of 4 blocks, and for those who want to get a professional certificate, they need to complete continuing studies.
Those completing all 4 blocks training will be awarded a Certificate of Training as a Tantra massage practitioner.
Those completing 10 satisfactory supervision sessions will be awarded a Certificate of Competence as Professional Practitioner of Initiatory Tantra Massage.
Those who are fully certified will have their names published on the Path of Touch website as approved practitioners.
Due to its depth and authenticity Practitioners holding this Training Certificate qualify for Student Insurance for their work through ASIS (the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexology)
This is a Closed Group training so it is not possible to join the training if you miss the first module.
For details of the teaching team, please see http://www.transformationaltantramassage.co.uk/uktraining/uktraining/faculty/
For booking and more info contact Elara on +44 7391 552 616 or email us on info@transformationaltantramassage.co.uk
Language (translation): English
Block 2 – Sep 28 to Oct 3 2021
Block 3 –
Block 4 –