Alchemy of transformation, New Year's celebration
NEW! | Week Workshop | Level: 0 - Teaster | Tantric Path |
We invite you to a wonderful New Year celebration where we will be exploring the essence of sexual magic. Magic happens when we direct our energy with our intent. New Year is the perfect time to re-evaluate what we truly want in life, whether it be prosperity, business success or a new or better relationship. The culminaton of this retreat will be the creation of a magical sacred ritual for the year to come to invoke the concrete manifestation of our dreams.
This group is for all who wish to celebrate the New Year in a meaningful and enjoyable way and who also want to learn more about creativity, inspiration, the art of manifestation and about their own life and energy potential.
The group is open to everyone, no previous experience of tantra or shamanism is required. We also welcome repeaters who want to come to celebrate again and create a wholly new intent for the coming year surrounded by people on the same wavelength.
Jon Pearson, Rose Skelton Pearson, Jan Komeda, Freya Wolna
Sexual energy is the fundamental creative force, it is the source of our very being, our origin. We are the result of the dance between the sexual energy of woman and of man. This is so on the material level between our biological parents. It is more deeply so on the magical level between the female principle of shakti, energy, and the male principle of shiva, consciousness.
So if we want to learn the art of manifestation - creating the lives that we want and need and inviting the experiences that will guide us in the direction of our dreams, our health and our happiness - it makes sense to learn how to consciously harness the creative power of our sexuality.
Through consciously building our energy bodies we develop both our flexibility and freedom in the world, and our ability to project our energy through our intent, to manifest our dreams and shape our future. This is the technique of sexual magic.
Tantra teaches us that we are not fixed in our being. In our essence we are not static, rigid, boundaried matter in a material world, but rather a flow of energy. As our essence is energy, we can flow in and out of forms, adopting them to engage with life in a certain way, but not limited by them.
Through consciously building our energy bodies we develop both our flexibility and freedom in the world, and our ability to project our energy through our intent, to manifest our dreams and shape our future. This is the technique of sexual magic.
We will begin with a fire and water ceremony, releasing the energy of the old year and creating with it our liminal space of transformation. Of alchemy.
Charging the energy with sound and movement, we will then move into the crispness and spaciousness of the winter air, exploring the forest, the lake, the stone circle - we will take a shamanic journey, guided by our sacred Earth, into our own deepest knowing. From this place we will move into a period of contemplation and enquiry, connecting with our purpose, our longing and our desire. Coming into integration and clarity we will ground our meditation through the creation of a sigil - a sign or symbol committing to our intent. Using touch, sound, fire and water we will each create our own relationship with our sigil, merging with it on the physical and energetic levels. Using breath, movement and sound we will then raise energy through the chakras, allowing the sigil of our intent to be carried up from the ground, through the body and out into the universe, completing the cycle of manifestation and ascension.
Having released our intentions to the universe at midnight on the 31st we'll party til dawn when we'll jump naked into the lake (optional!) and share New Year's Day brunch by the fireplace.
SEX MAGIC Alchemy of the Transformation, New Year Celebration with Jon, Rose, Christine, Bernard, Jitka Mandalam, Honza and Maruška
- Journeying to the depths of Southern Bohemia in the Czech Republic.
- Arriving at the amazing Centre of Transformation in Cernivsko on December 29th where you are warmly greeted by one or more members of the Transformation Team.
- Meeting other fellow adventurers who have arrived from Europe: maybe some old friends, maybe an opportunity to meet and bond with new friends: like-minded individuals who also invest in their personal growth and who relate to you with kindness and respect.
- Taking time to explore the grounds with its stone circle, lake and deep forests…
- Being nourished with excellent vegetarian/vegan cuisine.
- Entering the Centre’s Main Hall and feeling the powerful vibrations of a room which has hosted transformative workshops for thirty years.
- Sitting in a circle in which we introduce ourselves - and the journey begins…
At the end of this challenging year, we are going to take you on a journey of transformation like no other.
New Year is the perfect time for evaluating what worked and what did not in 2021, then wiring the found wisdom into the circuitry of your plans for 2022. We offer you five days of opportunity to help you shed everything which no longer serves your life, and open your heart and mind to a new reality, one which is created by you – because only you know what is best for you.
On this journey, you are going to your edge because the edge is where you feel most fully alive, and where transformation runs deep and lasts for the rest of your life.
We invite you to;
- Sit alone, in the winter crisp of a Bohemian forest, space in nature for contemplating what it is you really want in life.
- Purify in the heat and smoke of a ritually-constructed Sweat Lodge – and maybe cool off in an ice-cold lake - if you are up for that challenge.
- Dance ecstatically with fellow adventurers to amazing music, then relaxing, feeling your body glow with health whilst your mind dwells in love.
- Participate in powerful group rituals designed to raise energy.
- Learn potent tools for growth and transformation which will remain with you for the rest of your life.
The thread running through these five days is the practice of Sigil Magick. A sigil is a symbol of intent and we guide you through the process of
- Formulating your intent for 2022 and focusing this into an embodied sigil. We guide you into the deeper desires of your soul rather than your ego. As a result, you will formulate realistic and growth-affirming intentions which are more likely to manifest lasting happiness than merely wishing for,say,a new car. Satisfying the desires of your soul will bring you much more fulfillment.
- Embodying your sigil according to the centuries-old Tantrik practice of nyasa.
- Projecting your sigil into 2022 so that your intention manifests as reality. We do this as a tribe in a group ritual and invite you to bond into a tribe for the evening of 31st and work your amazing magic with like-minded souls.
- According to the Western Hermetic Traditions, this ritual is more powerful still when participants forget what they have wished for. So we invite you to a post-ritual Forgetting, aided and abetted by a glass of fizz and some of our mince pies. After this we will celebrate the new year (and the new you) with dancing and liveliness in the temple.
You will be held by an international team of experts qualified in the fields of tantra, shamanism, bioenergetics, yoga, psychotherapy and dance. Your guides are seven members of the Paths of Transformation Teaching Faculty. We have trained extensively with its founder, John Hawken, a world leader in the field of personal transformation, and Alchemy of Transformation is an expression of his teachings.
Jon is based in the UK and has studied with John Hawken since 2016. In addition to being a Paths of Transformation Teaching Faculty member, he is a psychotherapist, transformational coach and yoga teacher. He currently co-teaches the year-long Tantric Lovemaking for Couples training in the Czech Republic and the UK with his wife, Rose. He brings deep learning, vibrant warmth and impish humour to his teaching.
Rose has been involved with the modern Tantra movement for 15 years and is a Paths of Transformation Teaching Faculty member. She is a skilled bodyworker, trained in Lomi Lomi, Arvigo and Tranformational Tantra massage. She also teaches Heart-In-Motion Dance, a form of Biodanza and Shamanic Trance Dance. She lives in the UK with her husband Jon and co-teaches the year-long Tantric Lovemaking for Couples training in the Czech Republic and the UK.
Christina has, all her life, been fascinated by sexual energy, this powerful life force and its multiple expressions. She is a psychotherapist working with a holistic approach and a member of the `paths of Transformation Teaching Faculty. She is German, and lives and works in France.
Bernard, a psychoanalyst and sex therapist, is an Adventurer of Love and Libido. He is committed to creating and embodying a space of security and freedom in which Energy and Consciousness can meet, mirror and intertwine through ever-renewed experience. His meeting with John Hawken was a revelation of the potential we have in using our Sexual Life Energy as the golden path to maturation and healing.
Jitka is teaching the year-long Medicine Path shamanic training and the Sacred Body Passionate Spirit tantric training in the Czech Republic. She is an experienced Master of Ceremonies, chiefly the Stone People (Sweat Lodge) Ceremony (which she will facilitate in this New Year gathering) and Tantra/Shamanic weddings. She is a master of Tuina, Reflexology and Tantra Massage therapy.