John Hawken
Choose path
26.09.-29.09.2024 - continueShamanic Path
04.10.-06.10.2024 - Weekend WorkshopTantric Path
07.10.-13.10.2024 - continueTantric Path
14.10.-20.10.2024 - Week WorkshopPath of Dark Eros
21.10.-27.10.2024 - continueMix of Several Paths
03.11.-09.11.2024 - continuePath of Touch
06.11.-10.11.2024 - continueShamanic Path
11.11.-17.11.2024 - 2 Years TrainingMix of Several Paths
21.11.-24.11.2024 - continueShamanic Path Tantric Path
13.01.-19.01.2025 - continueTantric Path
14.02.-16.02.2025 - Weekend WorkshopTantric Path
03.03.-09.03.2025 - continueMix of Several Paths
24.03.-30.03.2025 - continueTantric Path
02.06.-08.06.2025 - continueMix of Several Paths
22.09.-28.09.2025 - continueMix of Several Paths