Sacred Body, Passionate Spirit with Jenni, Jon and Rose

UK Year Long Training - continue Tantric Path


How is the world impacting on you right now?

Many people are experiencing fear, anger and helplessness, resulting in disempowerment and mistrust. Joy gets leached from life. Overthinking and worry dull us to the beauty of the world. Disconnected from our aliveness, we lose our sense of self, our sexual vitality diminishes and our relationships suffer.

Tantra teaches us to live in fulness with what is. Instead of living from the outside-in, fearful of a world we distrust, we live from the inside-out, trusting ourselves, reclaiming our power and resilience so that we stand upright in sovereignty and aliveness.

We invite you to embark on an adventure that will change your life radically: not only your sex life and the quality of your relationships, but one that will fundamentally create a new paradigm through which you view the world. It will give you a new sense of self, in which you are a flow of energy and a point of consciousness. Through directing your consciousness, the awareness through which you perceive reality both within and around you, with choice rather than out of habit, you will learn to create your reality.

Sacred Body, Passionate Spirit is our most powerful signature offering.

This training is a journey. A journey into the tantric approach to life and tantric sexuality… a journey to liberate consciousness from self-consciousness, to release aliveness from the prison of shame, guilt and fear… a journey which empowers you in following the authority of your own heart and your inner guidance… a journey to realise your body as your temple and that you are an incarnated sacred being… a journey to heal pain and open yourself to beauty and pleasure… a journey to restore the sacred to the body and passion to the spirit… a journey between the worlds of earth and heaven, of body and spirit, of energy and consciousness which develops your potential for expansion to embrace and include all polarities… a journey beyond duality.

About the Training

Within this powerful container, we embrace the deeply-rooted taboos of sex, death, money, love, intimacy, power, shadow and spirituality. In doing so, we learn to perceive ourselves as  energy beings with unlimited energy potential. We will learn that there is only one energy - the energy of our aliveness flowing through us that manifests in our lives on many levels - in our sexuality, our creativity, our ability to love and relate. 


We will explore:

  • Our attitudes to sex, death, money, love, spirituality and power.
  • Letting go of old patterns of thought, behaviour, reactions to what life brings, so we can respond to life with more spontaneity, aliveness and creativity.
  • Becoming freer of the shoulds and oughts of society and our conditioning as our impulses and expressions come more and more from our heart and our spirit.
  • How to be in choice of who we are in each moment, developing a sense of continuity based on integrity.
  • How to develop more courage, aliveness and joy in our being, by not repressing but by facing and integrating our fears and our shadow.
  • How to create our own healthy model of relating based on our own truth, and love. 
  • How to expand our awareness into our energy body to improve our physical and psychological wellbeing and increase/intensify our personal power.
  • How to de-armour our bodies and our sexuality.
  • How to honour the sacredness of ourselves, our sex and our beloved ones.

How we work with you

This training is experiential. We invite you to step into it in a spirit of curiosity, and let go of  rigid expectations. We do not ask you to believe anything we tell you; we simply ask you to see for yourselves what works for you. This is the essence of tantra.

We also utilise the tools of humanistic and somatic psychotherapy which go beyond the outdated simplicity of emotional catharsis to embrace mutuality, co-regulation, transference, inner child work, integral well-being and the creative use of roleplay and fantasy. We reintegrate disowned parts of ourselves in order to restore secure attachment.

Fundamentally, we help you to connect with the innate wisdom of your body. Our training is underpinned with the latest developments in trauma therapy, neuroscience and consent.

We facilitate your participation in a group of like-minded souls so that you can grow together and learn how to relate to one another with greater ease and transparency. You  learn the true nature of intimacy, at a relational depth unmatched by recreational social gatherings. We find that many people create lifelong friendships from this training.

This training will give you:

Freedom to embody your truth, to create and co-create the forms which the energy of life takes around you. You dispense with a value system based on fear of others and the world.

Deeper honouring of yourself, your body, your boundaries and your needs and desires. Your self-care is fundamental to your health.

Greater personal power, purpose and passion, a measure of your aliveness, sensitivity and capacity for joy, Personal power generates strong heart-led leadership.

Capacity for intimacy - with yourself, with others and with your environment.

Who is this training for?

If you are seriously interested in tantra as a path of self-discovery and personal transformation this training is for you. Singles and couples of all flavours are welcome.

No tantric experience is necessary. Experienced tantrikas also regularly find our trainings beneficial with helpful new insights on their tantric path.

Training Format

The training is delivered in four week-long residential modules spaced over 9 months.

Between modules, participants are encouraged to participate in self-organised peer practice groups. There will also be a private Facebook group to support this training.

To graduate from the training and receive a Certificate of Completion, you must attend all four blocks.

We help you restore joy to life, in body, mind and spirit.

We believe Sacred Body, Passionate Spirit to be the most comprehensive training of its kind in the world. It was developed by the legendary John Hawken, embodying his four decades of work shaping tantra, shamanism and bioenergetics into a coherent vehicle for personal growth.

The training will be facilitated by Jenni Joy, Jon Skelton Pearson and Rose Skelton Pearson. Between them, they bring the individual ingredients of embodied awareness, knowledge, skills, experience and creativity that combine to create a potent transformational crucible to hold your process.


About Your Facilitators

Jenni Joy

Jenni is a leadership, life, and intimacy facilitator, blending clinical sexology with the energetic arts of tantra, sacred femininity and transformation alongside leading edge tools in the field of personal development, particularly flow states. Based in Glastonbury, she teaches internationally.

As well as her own workshops, she teaches the yearlong training programmes of The Paths of Transformation, having worked alongside John Hawken since 2011, Europe’s most prolific teacher of long form transformation programmes in the fields of tantra, bioenergetics and shamanism.

Jon Skelton Pearson

Jon has devoted forty years to studying, practising and teaching within mystery schools of yoga, magick and Tantra. He works as a psychotherapist, life-coach and bodyworker and his work is inforformed by a deep integration of spiritual pathworking, cutting-edge neurobiology and pyscho-transformational technology.

Jon is a member of the Paths of Transformation faculty following a five-year apprenticeship with John Hawken and facilitates with warmth, wisdom and humour. 

Rose Skelton Pearson

Rose has been on a shamanic and embodiment journey for 20 years and a Tantrika for 15 years, during which she has trained with many schools and teachers both in the UK and internationally. She is a massage therapist, ceremonial bodyworker and facilitator of Heart in Motion therapeutic dance and Shamanic Trance Dance.

In addition to coaching individuals and couples, Rose teaches yearlong trainings of the Paths of Transformation having completed a five-year apprenticeship with its founder, John Hawken. Based in Brighton, she teaches in the UK and Europe, where she co-teaches the Lovemaking for Couples training with her husband, Jon. 


Sacred Body, Passionate Spirit with Jenni, Jon and Rose 3rd Block

Date of Event: 11.09.-17.09.2023
Language (translation): English


Payment for modules 2 and 3 to be paid for shortly before the course starts.

If you have questions about the training, email us at:


Venue for Module One: Earthspirit, Glastonbury.

Date: Monday April 17th to Sunday April 23rd  2023

Venue for Modules 2-4: Cannington Hall, nr Bridgewater.

Module 2: June 19th-25th 2023

Module 3; September 11th-17th 2023

Module 4: TBA

Tantra Courses:

Year 2024:

Sacred body - Passionate Spirit with Jan and Jitka 22/4

15.01.-21.01.2024 continue


04.03.-10.03.2024 continue

Shamanic wheel of sexuality entrance weekend for Sacred body - Passionate Spirit with Jan and Jitka

09.03.-10.03.2024 Weekend Workshop 0 I II

Happiness Weekend for Singles

15.03.-17.03.2024 Weekend Workshop 0

Deep Dating in Dublin with John and Katarina

26.04.2024 One-day Workshop 0

Sacred body - Passionate Spirit with Jan and Jitka 23/1

06.05.-12.05.2024 Year Long Training

Shamanic training, (Block 2) with Jitka

22.05.-26.05.2024 continue


01.07.-07.07.2024 continue

Taste of Tantra Introductory Weekend

09.08.-11.08.2024 Weekend Workshop

The Rise of the Feminine - Women’s Empowerment Retreat with Katarina Hawken

15.08.-18.08.2024 Weekend Workshop 0

TANTRA PRO ŽENY - Ohnivá medicína pro ženy s Jitkou Mandalam (3. blok)

26.09.-29.09.2024 continue

Mens Retreat - The Conscious Wolf

04.10.-06.10.2024 Weekend Workshop II

Sacred body - Passionate Spirit with Jan and Jitka 23/2

07.10.-13.10.2024 continue


21.10.-27.10.2024 continue

TANTRA PRO ŽENY - Ohnivá medicína pro ženy s Jitkou Mandalam (4. blok)

21.11.-24.11.2024 continue

Year 2025:


Sacred body - Passionate Spirit with Jan and Jitka 23/3

13.01.-19.01.2025 continue

26.01.-26.01.2025 Introductory Evening 0 I

Tantric transformation - Introductory Weekend

01.02.-02.02.2025 Introductory Workshop Weekend Workshop

Taste of Tantra Introductory Weekend

14.02.-16.02.2025 Weekend Workshop 0


03.03.-09.03.2025 2 Years Training II

Shamanic wheel of sexuality entrance weekend for Sacred body - Passionate Spirit with Jan and Jitka

15.03.-16.03.2025 Introductory Workshop Weekend Workshop 0

Sacred body - Passionate Spirit with Jan and Jitka 23/4

24.03.-30.03.2025 continue


02.06.-08.06.2025 continue II


22.09.-28.09.2025 continue II


08.12.-14.12.2025 continue

Year 2026:


09.03.-15.03.2026 continue


08.06.-14.06.2026 continue


21.09.-27.09.2026 continue


07.12.-13.12.2026 continue