Deep Dating in Dublin with John and Katarina
NEU! | Ein-Tages-Workshop | Level: 0 - Schnuppern |
Dating services have become an acceptable part of our busy life style and a sensible, honest and straightforward way of meeting potential friends and partners.
Speed dating is logical in enabling the assessment of the greatest
number of potential candidates in a given time, but for those of us who are less coldly efficient and more emotionally sensitive, being so swiftly judged can feel superficial, humiliating, and somewhat inhuman. First impressions are important, but what lies under the surface, whether in the other or in myself, also has its value. Deep dating is for those who want to reach under the surface.
To avoid the embarrassment of "what do we say to each other", many dating services have recently combined the function of meeting people with an activity: dancing, or cooking lessons, to name but two possibilities. In deep dating the activity is tantra. Each new meeting will be guided by an experienced Tantric group leader, you simply follow the instructions. Tantra is the art of meeting, the science of relationship, taking into account the needs and the boundaries of mind, body, emotions, energy and spirit. The activity does not distract from meeting, it is the meeting, but given a form through the particular exercise you are led through. The advantages are:
* Safety, as the structure is sensitively held from the outside.
* All are doing the same exercise, which helps reduce
* The space is held for deep contact to arise if it is there as a
potential between you and your partner.
* Many of the contacts are non-verbal, enabling you to go beyond the limitations of words and the games of the mind.
* The Tantric structures are based on the philosophy of respect for each other, of honouring the god in the man and the goddess in the woman. Each meeting is based not on the judgmental mind, but the accepting heart.
* The atmosphere is one of playful lightness, of fun, of celebration.
* The meetings invoke the whole person and are invitations to drop the usual social masks.
* The meetings are structured on the basis of the essence of what relationship is built on – energy.
Deep Dating in Dublin with John and Katarina
Entry: 50,- EUR (starts at 7pm)
VIP entry: 80,-EUR (starts at 6pm and includes buffet dinner)
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