Dark Eros Intensive Woche

NEU! Level: II - Fortgeschrittene Dark Eros


We will introduce you to the tantric approach to transform the negative and dark feelings of our first chakra - feelings of shame and guilt, feelings of anger and blame
These emotions sit deep within us, in our chakra of our existence, and often prevent us from living fully. You will start to understand the psychological background of this approach and how can these feelings healthily and safely transform into relaxation, enjoyment and fulfilling contact. 
In this course we will explain how these negative experiences of the past within us leaving feelings of anger, shame, guilt and blame. 

This includes experience of any violence from childhood or adolescence: 
physical violence - physical punishment, abuse, rape
psychological violence - stay in the energy field of destructive or choleric parents/partners/authorities, fear of uncontrollable outbursts anger without cause or charges that are imprinted 
in the memory of our body. 

This energy retained in our body becomes self-destructive and prevents the natural flow of our energy, as well as undermines our contact with people around us and our private relationships. 
We will see how these tensions can be released and re-discover their own nature. This nature - liberated from the cage of thoughts, fears and painful experiences - 
is waiting for an invitation to start the conscious life. After this is possible to find a conscious contact with the strength and become a free and responsible person. 

John Hawken has been devoted to this topic for over 30 years and combines his knowledge of psychotherapeutic and energy techniques from bioenergy, tantra and shamanism.



DARK EROS - Intensive Woche (auf Englisch) mit John

Datum: 28.11.-04.12.2022
Sprache (Übersetzung): Englisch, Tschechisch
Preis: 550 (Vorauszahlung: 150 €)


Frühbucherpreis - €520

gültig bei Eingang der Vorauszahlung bis 28.9.2022



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Jahr 2023:


DARK EROS - Intensive Woche mit John

30.10.-05.11.2023 II

Jahr 2023:


The Art of Tantric Dominance - A Deeper Dive into Dark Eros

06.11.-12.11.2023 II

DARK EROS with Freya and Piotr in Poland

27.11.-03.12.2023 II